The Last Clown in Aleppo: ‘Mr. Alhamdo’ Does Bad Monty Python for Al Jazeera and CNN

The Last Clown in Aleppo: ‘Mr. Alhamdo’ Does Bad Monty Python for Al Jazeera and CNN

“This is my last message.” If you’ve been watching Western and Gulf state mainstream media coverage over the last two weeks, or even just social media, you will have seen this popular meme – the last doctor, the last hospital, the last message, the last video, the last tweet, and even the last apple. It won’t be…

10+ Before & After Pics of Aleppo Reveal What War Did to Syria’s Largest City

10+ Before & After Pics of Aleppo Reveal What War Did to Syria’s Largest City

The battle of Aleppo is slowly drawing to a close after almost four and a half years of brutal fighting. A ceasefire agreement was recently reached allowing people to leave besieged areas of the city and travel to rebel-held areas in Idlib province, and pro-government forces, who have taken nearly all rebel-held districts in the…

A camera bearing the French television channel "BFMTV" logo in Paris. © KENZO TRIBOUILLARD / AFP

‘Like a Prostitute’: 91% of French Respondents say the Media Lies in a Twitter Poll

A French journalist created a stir on Twitter after launching an open poll which asks if people think the media lies. At least 91 percent of the respondents said ‘yes,’ adding that the media hides information, and even comparing journalism to prostitution. The poll was launched by French journalist Jean-Jacques Bourdin, editor-in-chief of RMC radio,…

5 Mind-Boggling Things about ‘The Coming War on China’: Pilger’s Documentary Airs on RTD

5 Mind-Boggling Things about ‘The Coming War on China’: Pilger’s Documentary Airs on RTD

With dozens of US military bases encircling China with a “giant noose,” and America’s historic nuclear presence in the Pacific region, a war between the greatest military power and the world’s second largest economy “is no longer unthinkable,” journalist John Pilger says. In his documentary, ‘The Coming War on China,’ which is being aired on…

PropOrNot: Evidence of a CIA Psychological Operation

PropOrNot: Evidence of a CIA Psychological Operation

On November 24, The Washington Post published a story citing the anonymous group PropOrNot. The story accused the Russians of building a large propaganda operation that worked to defeat Hillary Clinton and elect “insurgent candidate” Donald Trump. It claimed a large number of alternative news websites are acting as Russian agents, dupes, and useful idiots….