The Corona Pandemic and Trump’s Trade War against China: America’s Dependence on “Made in China”

The Corona Pandemic and Trump’s Trade War against China: America’s Dependence on “Made in China”

Introduction The US has been threatening China with trade sanctions for several years. At the outset of the Trump administration in January 2017, Washington not only envisaged punitive trade measures, it also called for “an investigation into China’s trade practices” focussing on alleged violations of U.S. intellectual property rights. This initiative was then followed by renewed threats to “impose steep tariffs on…

Poland Is Likely to Receive Germany-based American Soldiers to Pressurise Russia

Poland Is Likely to Receive Germany-based American Soldiers to Pressurise Russia

According to American media, U.S. President Donald Trump plans to withdraw 9,500 American soldiers from Germany. U.S. troop numbers in Germany will be reduced to about 25,000 at a time when Warsaw insists on the strengthening of American military presence in Poland. Germany pays for 35,000 foreign soldiers and 17,000 civilian workers, along with their families, to be…

America’s Maidan/Tiananmen Square/Perestroika/Plutocracy Conspiracy (Delete as Appropriate)

America’s Maidan/Tiananmen Square/Perestroika/Plutocracy Conspiracy (Delete as Appropriate)

The riots, pogroms and protests going on in the US right now are interesting for their political depth, their complexity, and their exposure of numerous details that had not previously been visible behind the curtain of political correctness and mythological constructs. On the one hand, they show the potential for social conflict, the reasons for…