COVID-19: How Big Pharma and Big Philanthropy Consume the World

COVID-19: How Big Pharma and Big Philanthropy Consume the World

Under capitalism, disease is an immensely profitable industry, and huge pharmaceutical corporations excel at extracting enormous amounts of wealth from our public health. Of course, big pharma would have us believe that without their investments in scientific research, millions of people would not benefit from the dizzying array of drugs they sell us, but the…

Here’s Why Trump the American Nationalist Might Surrender the WHO to China

Here’s Why Trump the American Nationalist Might Surrender the WHO to China

Trump believes that the loss of his country’s influence in the World Health Organization might be irreversible after his Chinese rival gradually broke the US’ previous soft power monopoly over this globalist body, hence why the American Nationalist has no qualms about possibly surrendering the group to Beijing since he no longer regards it as…

Confucius Is Winning the Covid-19 War

Confucius Is Winning the Covid-19 War

As the Raging Twenties unleash a radical reconfiguration of the planet, coronavirus (literally “crowned poison”) has for all practical purposes served a poisoned chalice of fear and panic to myriad, mostly Western, latitudes. Berlin-based, South Korean-born philosopher Byung-Chul Han has forcefully argued the victors are the “Asian states like Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan or Singapore…