Even If He Becomes King, Mohammed bin Salman will Likely be the Last

Even If He Becomes King, Mohammed bin Salman will Likely be the Last

Surrounded by unyielding enemies of its own making, and cheered on by opportunist allies determined to suck its blood to the last drop, Saudi Arabia seems to have landed itself in an unprecedented predicament.  There has probably been no other day on which its enormous wealth seemed so utterly useless. Now, US President Donald Trump, publicly…

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan and The Taliban. Russia’s “Balancing Act” in South Asia and Afghanistan

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan and The Taliban. Russia’s “Balancing Act” in South Asia and Afghanistan

For as close as Russia has once again become to India following its support of the latter’s “Israeli”-like unilateral moves in Kashmir and the restoration of their unofficial alliance after the recent Eastern Economic Forum, its flagship international media outlet RT proved that it still retains some degree of editorial balance by interviewing both the…

The Ansarullah’s Drone Strike was a Classic David vs. Goliath Moment

The Ansarullah’s Drone Strike was a Classic David vs. Goliath Moment

This weekend’s massive drone strike by Yemen’s Ansarullah rebels against the world’s largest oil processing facility in Saudi Arabia was a classic David vs. Goliath moment where a smaller force inflicted a devastating blow against their much larger opponent, one which even surpasses its legendary predecessor because of its potential global consequences. The world was…

Questions, Not Answers, Surround U.S. Push to War with Iran

Questions, Not Answers, Surround U.S. Push to War with Iran

When President Trump fired National Security Adviser John Bolton last week rational people the world over cheered. When there was news that Trump would meet on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in a few weeks there were sighs of relief. When Benjamin Netanyahu goes to Moscow to get Vladimir Putin’s blessing to continue airstrikes…