War or Peace: New Developments Will Determine Syria’s Future

War or Peace: New Developments Will Determine Syria’s Future

ISIS has been reduced to insignificance and the rebels have been defeated in the south and everywhere else in Syria, except in the province of Idlib. This is a big step forward toward stability in the country. Although there are still many problems and contradictions between major actors that remain unsolved, there are signs that…

Oil Supplies from the Persian Gulf May Soon be Cut Off Completely

Oil Supplies from the Persian Gulf May Soon be Cut Off Completely

As it’s been reported by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation with special reference to an unnamed source in the Australian government, the United States may soon launch strikes against nuclear facilities in Iran. At the same time, both the Australian and British military may be summoned by the Pentagon to support the aggression by providing assistance…

Our Assembly-Line Future?

Our Assembly-Line Future?

Human civilization has taken an important turn with the publication of a new report by the Nuffield Council, the semi-official bioethics agency of the United Kingdom. The document, two years in preparation, gives the go-ahead to genetically engineer human beings at the embryonic stages of development. The report stated: “There is potential for heritable genome…

Companies That Have More Money Than Entire Countries

Companies That Have More Money Than Entire Countries

The annual revenues of some corporations are so colossal that they dwarf the economies of many countries across the globe. However, the world’s most profitable and successful businesses do not always have stellar reputations. WALMART US retailer Walmart, with revenue of $486 billion in 2017, out-earned the sixth-largest economy in the euro zone – Belgium…