Low Oil Prices Are America’s Weapon Against Iran, a Reason for Russia to Keep Them High

Low Oil Prices Are America’s Weapon Against Iran, a Reason for Russia to Keep Them High

President Trump is stepping up his attack on Iran. He’s now planning the long-game for maximum pressure. The news that Trump quietly asked Saudi Arabia to ramp up output by 1 million barrels a day is the key. From the analysis at Oilprice.com: Saudi Arabia and some of its close Arab allies in the Gulf,…

Appeasement as Global Policy

Appeasement as Global Policy

Introduction The world is riven with class conflicts in Latin America, political conflicts between the Anglo-Americans and Russians, and economic conflicts between Washington against Europe and Asia. The conflicts have called into question the capacity of ruling elites to promote growth, to secure international stability and to foster global as co-operation. To understand the underlying…

Colombia’s Presidential Run-Off will Decide Its “Global Partnership” with NATO

Colombia’s Presidential Run-Off will Decide Its “Global Partnership” with NATO

Colombia is about to become NATO’s first Latin American “global partner” right as the country heads towards a tense presidential run-off later this month. The Transatlantic bloc sees in the South American country a formidable ally with impressive economic, military, and altogether, strategic potential. Colombia’s economy is one of the best-performing in the hemisphere, and…

He Lives! MbS’ First Foreign Trip Since His Disappearance Will Be to Moscow

He Lives! MbS’ First Foreign Trip Since His Disappearance Will Be to Moscow

Exposing the rumors about his supposed “death” as nothing more than fake news spread by his fearful enemies in the region, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s first foreign trip since emerging from his suspicious disappearance will be to Moscow, where President Putin is keen to strengthen his country’s partnership with the Wahhabi Kingdom as…