The Great Game Comes to Syria

The Great Game Comes to Syria

An unusual triple alliance is emerging from the Syrian war, one that could alter the balance of power in the Middle East, unhinge the NATO alliance, and complicate the Trump administration’s designs on Iran. It might also lead to yet another double cross of one of the region’s largest ethnic groups, the Kurds. However, the…

Each “Click” Brings Us One Step Closer to the “Bang!”

Each “Click” Brings Us One Step Closer to the “Bang!”

Trump pulled the trigger, but instead of a “bang!” what the world heard was a demure “click”. Considering that we are talking about playing a most dangerous game of potentially nuclear Russian AngloZionist roulette, the “click” is very good news indeed. But, to use the words of Nikki Haley, the US “gun” is still “locked…

US Gov Backs Dangerous New Genetic Manipulation Approach

US Gov Backs Dangerous New Genetic Manipulation Approach

The Trump Administration is backing a new technology for the genetic manipulation of plants and even animals with no intend to supervise or regulate against possible dangers. If left unchecked, it could open a Pandora’s Box of dangers to human health for generations. Yet very little debate is taking place on this dramatic development. Here…

Banking System is Key to Understanding Our Servitude

Banking System is Key to Understanding Our Servitude

In the last few years, banks have become increasingly active in pushing the globalist agenda. For example, my bank is all for “persity” –homosexuality and im-migration. (It is rare to find a male white teller at a Canadian bank who is not a homosexual.) Similarly, most corporations sing from the same globalist songbook.  Banks are all franchises of the…