There is More Than One Truth to Tell in the Awful Story of Aleppo

There is More Than One Truth to Tell in the Awful Story of Aleppo

Western politicians, “experts” and journalists are going to have to reboot their stories over the next few days now that Bashar al-Assad’s army has retaken control of eastern Aleppo. We’re going to find out if the 250,000 civilians “trapped” in the city were indeed that numerous. We’re going to hear far more about why they…

Ocean Waves and Breakdowns

Ocean Waves and Breakdowns

Some interesting things have been happening in the oceans recently, with movements of naval vessels for various purposes around the world. In October, for example, Russia deployed eight ships to the Mediterranean to support Syria in its fight against Islamic jihadist rebels, an action condemned by the governments and media of some countries in the…

Blowback from America’s Disastrous Policy in Yemen will be Profound

Blowback from America’s Disastrous Policy in Yemen will be Profound

The war in Yemen has received little media attention. Yet it is just as brutal as the war in Syria. Blowback from U.S. policy in Yemen that supports Saudi Arabia’s war against the country’s Houthi rebels will be profound for both the region and, potentially, for the United States. Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners…