The Lesson of the BLM Protests

The Lesson of the BLM Protests

Remember when Americans shook the earth with massive protests demanding an end to the police state and the entire liberal establishment just kept saying “I hear you, I agree with you” and then did absolutely nothing to even reduce police brutality? It’s important to remember such lessons. People would ask me “Why are you supporting…

Big Tech behaves As If They’re the New Rulers of the World, and They Need to be Stopped

Big Tech behaves As If They’re the New Rulers of the World, and They Need to be Stopped

Facebook & Twitter etc. think they can decide which politicians win and which lose. Florida governor Ron DeSantis’ new plan to fine these companies if they censor candidates is good, but the policies need to go further. The growing trend of Big Tech tyranny by companies like Facebook and Twitter has made one thing clear:…

The Atlantic Council’s Anti-Chinese Containment Strategy Will Fail

The Atlantic Council’s Anti-Chinese Containment Strategy Will Fail

What the Atlantic Council doesn’t realize is that its unnamed author’s visceral hatred for the Chinese President is actually a powerful endorsement of his leadership successes. The Atlantic Council, one of the US’ most powerful think tanks, published an extremely provocative anti-Chinese containment strategy proposal titled “The Longer Telegram: Toward a new American China strategy”….

Davos 2021 Speeches by Putin and Xi Point to a Different Future

Davos 2021 Speeches by Putin and Xi Point to a Different Future

The Davos Group of nations recently held its annual meeting electronically, the coronavirus preventing attendance in person for the first time. The United States was represented by John Kerry, one of many Democrats recycled from the Obama years. Russia was represented by its president, Vladimir Putin, and China, for the first time since 2017, by…