Pompeo’s Dinner with Mossad was About Egos, Not Syria Strikes

Pompeo’s Dinner with Mossad was About Egos, Not Syria Strikes

Last Monday evening, the outgoing head of Mossad, Yossi Cohen, met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is also leaving office. They met in the prestigious Italian restaurant Cafe Milano, in Washington’s upscale Georgetown neighbourhood. The dinner was spotted by Meredith McGraw, Politico’s White House correspondent, who tweeted about it. Cohen has a reputation…

Big Tech’s Purge is Only Beginning… For Them

Big Tech’s Purge is Only Beginning… For Them

There’s nothing easy about living through a political coup. The Big Tech firms long in cahoots with our government have been pushing a false narrative of evil MAGA-Nazis trying to undermine polite society for more than four years now. Suppression started with Milo Yiannopoulos, accelerated to include Alex Jones and InfoWars and reach a temporary…

No One Is Listening: A Country Divided Against Itself

No One Is Listening: A Country Divided Against Itself

The U.S. may morph into two nations with the increasingly impoverished helot “deplorables” under the heel of the empowered social justice warriors. In a recent article Catholic University professor Claes G. Ryn wrote “Few people are really open to persuasion in any case—not just on political subjects but on any subject about which they care…

America 2.0: After the Election

America 2.0: After the Election

It is commonly acknowledged that the biggest economies have a major influence on political and social development of other countries. Crises that they periodically go through affect the global economy and consequently have impact on regional and national economies, as well as on political systems of countries that are sensitive to such impact. Yet, it is…