Germany Unlikely to Pursue Independent Foreign Policy. Will Follow Biden

Germany Unlikely to Pursue Independent Foreign Policy. Will Follow Biden

In an interview with The Guardian in June, Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Germans grew up knowing that the U.S. wanted to be a world power. Despite Washington abusing its power against some of its strongest allies, Germany, whose six-month mandate of the EU Presidency will end on December 31, made no efforts to make the European…

The US’ Anti-Turkish Sanctions Will Strengthen Its Target’s Sovereignty

The US’ Anti-Turkish Sanctions Will Strengthen Its Target’s Sovereignty

The recently imposed targeted sanctions against Turkey and the impending National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2021 ones mandating similar measures against it for its acquisition of Russia’s S-400 air defense systems, while illegal in terms of international law and a blatant example of unfriendly meddling in its nominal NATO ally’s affairs, will actually strengthen its…

Antisemitism Claims Mask a Reign of Political and Cultural Terror Across Europe

Antisemitism Claims Mask a Reign of Political and Cultural Terror Across Europe

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz has run a fascinating long report this week offering a disturbing snapshot of the political climate rapidly emerging across Europe on the issue of antisemitism. The article documents a kind of cultural, political and intellectual reign of terror in Germany since the parliament passed a resolution last year equating support for…

Empire with a Human Face

Empire with a Human Face

The Biden people are unlikely to speak of a new cold war with China, but they appear likely to wage one all dressed up as a sophisticated trans–Pacific strategy. Those boneheaded Trump people explained their hostile, xenophobic, fated-to-fail policy toward China by telling  the rest of Asia that America stood for “a free and open…