Moscow on Al-Nusra rebranding: Attempts by terrorists to disguise themselves futile

Moscow on Al-Nusra rebranding: Attempts by terrorists to disguise themselves futile

Russia will continue fighting terrorists in Syria, even if they pretend to be someone else, its Foreign Ministry said following an announcement by Nusra Front that it will change its name and break up with Al Qaeda. “No matter how Jabhat al-Nusra calls itself, it will remain an illegal terrorist organization, which has no other…

Flashback – Israel: We Destroyed Iraq… Iraq must Stay Divided and Isolated… The Oil of Northern Iraq will Flow into Israel!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Jouhaina News,Avi Dichter, the Israeli Internal Security Minister, said in a lecture at the ‘Israeli National Security Research Center’ “about the Israeli role in destroying Iraq after it was occupied in 2003 “we achieved in Iraq more than we expected and plan!” Dichter confirmed that keeping Iraq weak and isolated is…


The US-Saudi Plan To Prompt An Iranian Pullback From Syria

25.07.2016Andrew Korybko The US and Saudi Arabia have been conspiring with one another to engineer a series of crises that could prompt Iran to pull back its troops in Syria and redeploy them back to the homeland. The modus operandi has been to encourage peripheral insurgencies inside the Islamic Republic’s borderland regions concurrent with a…

Palestinian Authority aims to sue Britain for 1917 Balfour Declaration to remove Arabs

Palestinian Authority aims to sue Britain for 1917 Balfour Declaration to remove Arabs

Britain is responsible for all Israeli war crimes since 1948 because it created the 1917 mandate which saw Arabs removed from their land to make way for the state of Israel, a top Palestinian diplomat has said. Originally signed by UK Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour, the agreement officially sanctioned the Zionist movement’s aims, leading to…