US Plans to Recognize Kurdish Area in Syria 3x Size of Lebanon ‘Soon’ – Reports

US Plans to Recognize Kurdish Area in Syria 3x Size of Lebanon ‘Soon’ – Reports

An unnamed senior Western official told the Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that the plans are part of a new strategy for Syria currently being drafted by the Trump administration. Washington is planning ‘concrete steps’ toward providing a Syrian Democratic Forces-controlled area in northern Syria’s eastern Euphrates area three times the size of Lebanon with diplomatic recognition, a leading Arabic international…

Eritrean migrants gather ahead of praying at a makeshift church in southern Tel Aviv in 2017 (AFP)

Israel Tells African Migrants They Have 90 Days to Leave or Go to Jail

Israel will force tens of thousands of African migrants to leave over the next three months by threatening to arrest those who stay, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday. Speaking at a cabinet meeting, Netanyahu said that the Israeli government will offer migrants a $3,500 payment and a free air ticket home or to…

© Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images / AFP

‘Mine is Bigger’: Trump Dares Kim Jong-un to Compare Nuclear Buttons

President Donald Trump has fired off a tweet against North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un, claiming to have a “more powerful” nuclear weapons launcher. Trump’s tweet, amid a barrage of angry posts, is a belated response to Kim’s New Year speech, in which the North Korean leader claimed, “The entire United States is within range…

Israel Seized 2,500 Acres of Palestinian Land in 2017

Israel Seized 2,500 Acres of Palestinian Land in 2017

Israel has seized around 2,500 acres of Palestinian land, destroyed 500 buildings and constructed eight new Jewish settlement units in 2017, according to Palestine’s Land Research Centre (LRC). According to the report of the centre, Israel seized Palestinian lands with “military aims” and the “aim to construct Jewish settlement units” in the West Bank and…

India’s Godmen: Human Trafficking, Murder, Rape, Riots All in One Garb

India’s Godmen: Human Trafficking, Murder, Rape, Riots All in One Garb

An Ashram (spiritual center) run by a self-styled Godman in New Delhi has come under the lens of the law after it was revealed that hundreds of women were confined in inhumane conditions. Police suspect 300 other centers run by the Godman could be hubs for human trafficking. The perils of Indian society are deeply entrenched…

© Oren Hazan‎ / Facebook

‘Your Son is a Dog, You’re Not Wanted Here’ – Israeli MP to Mother of Palestinian Prisoner

A member of the Israeli parliament mounted a bus from the Gaza Strip and lashed out at a Palestinian woman heading to visit her son jailed in Israel, yelling that the prisoner was a “dog,” an “insect” and a “terrorist.” “Your son is a dog. He is a dog. You come to visit the scum…