In Yemen, Western Foreign Policy Is Empowering al-Qaeda

In Yemen, Western Foreign Policy Is Empowering al-Qaeda

In April, an exclusive report published on Mintpress News laid bare an “unholy alliance” between al-Qaeda and the displaced government of Abdurabbuh Mansur Hadi that a coalition led by Sunni Gulf monarchies has been unsuccessfully seeking to reinstall with the help of the West since 2015. These revelations come on top of previous investigations that…

Trump Risks Losing Washington’s Closest Allies to Defend Megacorporations that Support Biden

Trump Risks Losing Washington’s Closest Allies to Defend Megacorporations that Support Biden

The Wall Street Journal said that the U.S. is preparing tariffs against a range of trading partners unless they back off proposals to impose taxes that would fall heavily on major American internet companies. The threat of tariffs is against many countries, including the entirety of the European Union, India, Indonesia, Turkey, and even Washington’s…

The Corona Pandemic and Trump’s Trade War against China: America’s Dependence on “Made in China”

The Corona Pandemic and Trump’s Trade War against China: America’s Dependence on “Made in China”

Introduction The US has been threatening China with trade sanctions for several years. At the outset of the Trump administration in January 2017, Washington not only envisaged punitive trade measures, it also called for “an investigation into China’s trade practices” focussing on alleged violations of U.S. intellectual property rights. This initiative was then followed by renewed threats to “impose steep tariffs on…