Iraq Facing a Great US Threat: Expanding the US’ “Harir” Military Base in Iraqi Kurdistan

Iraq Facing a Great US Threat: Expanding the US’ “Harir” Military Base in Iraqi Kurdistan

No country could fail to be shaken by the kind of profound struggle between all its political groups that currently prevails in Iraq. The US does not need to make any great effort to sow discord between the parties because they are currently intrinsically fragmented. The removal of Major General Qassim Suleimani from the Iraqi…

Pompeo: US Knows Nada

Pompeo: US Knows Nada

All the American bluster blaming China for the Covid-19 pandemic is empty posturing. How do we know? Secretary of State Mike Pompeo just admitted it on public TV this week. Pompeo was asked about the origin of the virus and, specifically, US claims about it being leaked from a laboratory. Here’s what he told Fox…

Criminal Big-Pharma Put in Charge of COVID-19 “Vaccine”

Criminal Big-Pharma Put in Charge of COVID-19 “Vaccine”

Big-Pharma – guilty of lying, cheating, stealing, bribery, and a history of exposing the public to dangerous and even deadly drugs – is being given billions to develop a Covid-19 “vaccine.” Would you trust your health to these criminals?  Coronavirus Disease 2019 or “Covid-19″ hysteria is sweeping the globe – with mass media-induced public panic paralyzing entire…

The Restoration of Self-Rule in South Yemen Is the Next Step Towards Independence

The Restoration of Self-Rule in South Yemen Is the Next Step Towards Independence

South Yemen’s Southern Transitional Council declared self-rule over the vast regions of the country that they claim as their own in response to the Saudi-backed Hadi government’s repeated violations of last year’s Riyadh Agreement that was aimed at de-escalating tensions between the nominally allied sides, thus representing the next step towards independence and one which…

Will the US be Sued over COVID-19? Or what have Pentagon’s Biolabs been Up To?

Will the US be Sued over COVID-19? Or what have Pentagon’s Biolabs been Up To?

In an attempt to avoid accountability for failed policies implemented to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and to save their own image, certain political elites, especially in the USA and Great Britain, have launched an information campaign, with the aid of subservient media outlets, that aggressively seeks to find someone to blame for such high numbers…