Turkey and Russia Dig in for a Long Campaign in Idlib, Israel Studies Each and Every Move

Turkey and Russia Dig in for a Long Campaign in Idlib, Israel Studies Each and Every Move

Idlib is burning. The last bastion of the Syria war, which is presently still in the hands of Turkish-backed Al Qaeda groups is slowly falling into the hands of the Assad regime. For many experts, this last scrap is seen as the final stage in the Syrian war which Assad has won, like the last…

Backing Pompeo’s ‘Gulf of Tonkin’ Incident Is a Massive Anti-Iran Online Propaganda Campaign

Backing Pompeo’s ‘Gulf of Tonkin’ Incident Is a Massive Anti-Iran Online Propaganda Campaign

Twitter has announced that it is removing 4,779 accounts associated or backed by Tehran, the latest strike in the ongoing anti-Iran campaign perfectly timed to coincide with the attack on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was already blaming Iran hours after the incident, offering not a shred…

From Dollar Hegemony to Global Warming: Globalization, Glyphosate, and Doctrines of Consent

From Dollar Hegemony to Global Warming: Globalization, Glyphosate, and Doctrines of Consent

There has been an on-going tectonic shift in the West since the abandonment of the Bretton Woods agreement in 1971. This accelerated when the USSR ended and has resulted in the ‘neoliberal globalization’ we see today. At the same time, there has been an unprecedented campaign to re-engineer social consensus in the West. Part of…

Japan’s Prime Minister Abe Is Trump’s Informal Ambassador to Iran, but He Wants More Than to Mediate

Japan’s Prime Minister Abe Is Trump’s Informal Ambassador to Iran, but He Wants More Than to Mediate

Japanese Prime Minister Abe is functioning as Trump’s informal ambassador to Iran during his two day trip to the Islamic Republic, though he has much greater strategic interests in mind than just being the US President’s proxy such as expanding his island nation’s footprint in the Mideast as part of its attempt to “contain” China….