Voltaire’s Analysis of Chinese Civilization. A Model for a “Better Europe”

Voltaire’s Analysis of Chinese Civilization. A Model for a “Better Europe”

The following text by Professor Gjergj Sinani of the University of Tirana, Albania, was presented at the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilisations, programme organized by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, May 15-16, 2019 *** Voltaire is a famous thinker who has been considered the founder of the conscience of Europe. He did this…

The “Baloch Liberation Army” Is a Foreign-Backed Feudal Terrorist Group

The “Baloch Liberation Army” Is a Foreign-Backed Feudal Terrorist Group

The so-called “Baloch Liberation Army” issued a video ultimatum to China over the weekend to discontinue its CPEC development projects in Pakistan’s Balochistan or face a renewed wave of terrorist attacks against its interests there, with this message unambiguously proving that the group is far from the “national liberation movement” that it purports to be…