War With China?

War With China?

In his highly acclaimed 2017 book, Destined for War, Harvard professor Graham Allison assessed the likelihood that the United States and China would one day find themselves at war. Comparing the U.S.-Chinese relationship to great-power rivalries all the way back to the Peloponnesian War of the fifth century BC, he concluded that the future risk…

Can Maduro Emulate Castro and Assad to Keep NATO’s Imperialist Hands Off Venezuela?

Can Maduro Emulate Castro and Assad to Keep NATO’s Imperialist Hands Off Venezuela?

Imperial logic I: External crises distract from internal ones Empires with internal problems tend to create external crises to distract the public opinion and unite their political and economical ruling class in a fictitious nationalistic fervor. The current United States policy of overt regime change in Venezuela, backed entirely by its NATO vassals, follows an evergreen…

The Siege of Venezuela and The Travails of Empire

The Siege of Venezuela and The Travails of Empire

Here’s the bullet-point version: It’s imperialism. It’s American imperialism, a bipartisan national project. American imperialism is the global management of capitalist class power. It’s a binary situation in which one side or the other will win via the use and threat of armed force. It’s trouble for Venezuela and for imperialism. There’s no such thing…

China Might Lose El Salvador If Its New Populist Government Pivots to the US

China Might Lose El Salvador If Its New Populist Government Pivots to the US

The new Salvadoran president promised to reassess relations with China. The secretary general of President-elect Nayib Bukele’s New Ideas party told his countrymen that their new leader will reconsider his government’s relations with China, which it surprisingly recognized last August after breaking relations with long-term ally Taiwan in exchange for what was later revealed to…

The Growing Anti-Semitism Scam

The Growing Anti-Semitism Scam

In his novel 1984 George Orwell invented the expression “newspeak” to describe the ambiguous or deliberately misleading use of language to make political propaganda and narrow the “thought options” of those who are on the receiving end. In the context of today’s political discourse, or what passes for the same, it would be interesting to…