The US Plan C for Syria and Iraq: Its Reckless Game with the Kurds

The US Plan C for Syria and Iraq: Its Reckless Game with the Kurds

As ISIS fades and as the Syrian conflict winds down, regional tensions in the Middle East are escalating, as the attention of the Great Powers switches to the growing crisis in Iraq’s and Syria’s Kurdish areas. The latest stage in the seemingly endless geopolitical struggle in the Middle East is currently underway, with the Kurds…

Russian Views on the Separatist Referendums in Spain and Iraq

Russian Views on the Separatist Referendums in Spain and Iraq

The recent referenda in Catalonia and Kurdistan, while by no means crucial developments for Russia, have resulted in a lively debate in the Russian media and the Russian public opinion. The Kremlin itself has refrained from making any strong statements, possibly indicating that there might be several schools of thought on these issues in key…

Trump, Mattis and The Asymmetric War Against Venezuela

Trump, Mattis and The Asymmetric War Against Venezuela

After the purge of the strategist Steve Bannon from the ultra-nationalist entourage of Donald Trump by the troika of generals who took over the White House: James “Mad Dog” Mattis, Secretary of Defense; H.. R. McMaster, National Security Adviser, and John Kelly, Chief of Staff, the non-conventional and asymmetric war against Venezuela, partially declared by…

President Zigzag

President Zigzag

President Trump’s bellicose speech to the United Nations General Assembly last month sparked a crisis for the behind-the-scenes diplomacy that was then reaching out to North Korea and Iran, with Trump’s comments jeopardizing not only the talks but the credibility of the intermediaries, according to a source familiar with those efforts. Trump essentially pulled the…