Al-Qaeda “Mysteriously” Metastasizing in Northwest Syria

Al-Qaeda “Mysteriously” Metastasizing in Northwest Syria

The Washington Post in an article titled, “Al-Qaida in Syria snuffs out competition in northwest,” clumsily reveals what many following the Syrian conflict have known all along – that the so-called uprising never existed, and that the US and its allies are directly arming, aiding, and abetting Al Qaeda in Syria. The article admits: Syrian…

US Plotting to Topple Venezuela’s Government

US Plotting to Topple Venezuela’s Government

Since Hugo Chavez’s February 1999 ascension to power, Washington wanted Bolivarian democracy replaced by fascist tyranny. Earlier coup attempts failed, another likely planned, months of US-orchestrated violence a convenient pretext to act, along with imposing illegal sanctions on Venezuelan officials. On Wednesday, the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned 13 current and former…

Political Aspects of the Joint Russian-Chinese Naval Exercise in the Black Sea

Political Aspects of the Joint Russian-Chinese Naval Exercise in the Black Sea

The join naval exercise that was held by the Russian and Chinese navies at the end of July has undoubtedly become one of the most important events in the modern international politics. Even though the scale of this exercise was significantly smaller that the one conducted by American-Japanese-Indian navies, known as the Malabar, that was…

Trump: The Anti-Gorbachev

Trump: The Anti-Gorbachev

Like Mikhail Gorbachev, Trump helms a fading empire. But while the former Soviet leader supported democratization in his wake, Trump’s sowing the seeds of autocracy all over the globe. Back in the late 1980s, Mikhail Gorbachev had a magic touch internationally. Traveling outside the Soviet Union, he often received the adulation that was so frequently…

Putin: 755 US Diplomats to Depart Russia, Time to Show We Won’t Leave Anything Unanswered

Putin: 755 US Diplomats to Depart Russia, Time to Show We Won’t Leave Anything Unanswered

More than 750 American diplomats will have to leave Russia as a result of Washington’s own policies, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said in an exclusive interview with the Rossiya 1 TV channel. “The American side has made a move which, it is important to note, hasn’t been provoked by anything, to worsen Russian-US relations….

China Displays Advanced Weapons at Massive Military Parade

China Displays Advanced Weapons at Massive Military Parade

China demonstrated its most advanced military hardware, a stunning display of martial pride dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army. On July 30 China held a massive military parade at the Zhurihe military base in Inner Mongolia dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the PLA’s founding, with some 12,000 servicemen, 129 aircraft and 571…