No One Needs Another Korean War

No One Needs Another Korean War

Panmunjom, the ‘peace village’ on the incredibly tense demilitarized zone (aka DMZ) between North and South Korea, is one of the weirdest places I’ve ever visited. Tough North Korean soldiers lurk about, watched by equally tough South Korean troops in one-way sunglasses and an aggressive judo ‘warrior’ stance. When I was filming at Panmunjom, we…

Behind a Corporate Monster: How Monsanto Pushes Agricultural Domination

Behind a Corporate Monster: How Monsanto Pushes Agricultural Domination

Monsanto, one of the world’s biggest pesticide and seed corporations and leading developer of genetically modified crop varieties, had a stock market value of US$66 billion in 2014. It has gained this position by a combination of deceit, threat, litigation, destruction of evidence, falsified data, bribery, takeovers and cultivation of regulatory bodies. Its rise and…

Dumbing You Down with Ridiculous Television Commercials

Dumbing You Down with Ridiculous Television Commercials

At the heart of the social insanity, mindless acquiescence to authority, and automatic compliance with any and every new government rule or regulation, is a deliberate effort to dumb down the population. It takes place in the halls of our educational institutions, and it comes home with us at night to our television screens. According to educational…

Which “War Torn” Country? – U.S. Slaughter in Somalia, Yemen and Syria

Which “War Torn” Country? – U.S. Slaughter in Somalia, Yemen and Syria

Another MASSACRE: 31 #Somali refugees killed by Saudi Airstrike near western coast of #Yemen as they were fleeing war torn country. — Yemen Post Newspaper (@YemenPostNews) March 17, 2017 When I saw the above tweet this morning I wondered which “war torn” country those Somalis were fleeing from when they were murdered. The tweet…