Web-Based Brain Damage and Mindless Data Consumption

Web-Based Brain Damage and Mindless Data Consumption

“Even though we think we’re getting a lot done, ironically, multitasking makes us demonstrably less efficient.” ~Daniel J. Levitin, Neuroscientist Web-Based Brain Damage Evidence is mounting that our haphazard info-consuming ways on the web are adversely affecting our neurological and cognitive functioning – as well as wasting time by making us far less efficient –…

How Richard Longworth Predicted 20 Years Ago That Globalization Would Cause a Social Crisis

How Richard Longworth Predicted 20 Years Ago That Globalization Would Cause a Social Crisis

Whenever we see the reality of momentous shifts in society, it’s always good to go back and take a look at the people who saw it coming far away. Generally speaking, there were usually people who understood what was happening in advance. For example, Daniel Bell wrote his book The Coming of Post-Industrial Society in 1976. There…

Arab States Considering Alliance with Israel to Curb Iranian Influence

Arab States Considering Alliance with Israel to Curb Iranian Influence

The Trump administration is in discussions about the formation of a regional Arab security alliance with Israel as a counterbalance to Iran’s influence in the Middle East, according to Arab officials. The alliance would include Egypt and Jordan, both of whom recognise and have peace treaties with Israel, as well as Saudi Arabia and the…