Why Okinawa Matters: Japan, the United States and the Colonial Past

Why Okinawa Matters: Japan, the United States and the Colonial Past

This article provides a critical discussion of Okinawa’s role in serving American and Japanese strategic interests. Since the end of World War II Okinawa has been a mostly unhappy host of American military bases, and the issue has been prominent at times on the agenda of the Japanese peace movement. The interplay of overseas bases…

While Americans Fight Over Which Clown to Elect, Russia Deployed Its Largest Fleet Since the Cold War

While Americans Fight Over Which Clown to Elect, Russia Deployed Its Largest Fleet Since the Cold War

Having been subjected to the intellectually insulting shit show of a third and, thankfully, final debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump — likely the two most despised candidates in U.S. electoral history — it’s now imperative Americans train their attention to rapidly unfolding events which, by every indication, comprise blaring alarm bells of impending…

Philippine President Declares: It’s ‘China, Philippines and Russia’ Against the World

Philippine President Declares: It’s ‘China, Philippines and Russia’ Against the World

As Anti-Media has covered in recent days, controversial Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, along with hundreds of Filipino business leaders, is visiting China this week in a move aimed at strengthening regional ties between the two countries. On Tuesday, we reported that, for all intents and purposes, the United States had lost the Philippines to China…