Battleground Malaysia: China Extends Crackdown on Uygurs Across Borders

Battleground Malaysia: China Extends Crackdown on Uygurs Across Borders

Malaysia has emerged as the latest battleground pitting Chinese efforts to export its security notions against principles of the rule of law. The Malaysian Bar Association warned in a pithy statement last week that granting a Chinese demand for the extradition of 11 Uygurs from Malaysia would constitute a violation of international law. If Malaysia’s…

The Taliban Appeals to Americans. An American Replies.

The Taliban Appeals to Americans. An American Replies.

The Taliban in Afghanistan have published an attempt to reason with “the American people, officials of independent non-governmental organizations and the peace loving Congressmen.” This “Letter of the Islamic Emirate to the American People” attempts to open a dialogue with American citizens. I happen to be an American citizen. You realize that your political leadership…

Afghanistan in the Neo-Colonial Policy of the United States

Afghanistan in the Neo-Colonial Policy of the United States

The United States plans to send another thousand troops to Afghanistan to strengthen its contingent there. Now the Pentagon is deciding which military personnel will be sent to this country. We shall note that US troops have been stationed in this country since October 2001, which has cost US taxpayers $680 billion dollars. During this…

United States Fails in Afghanistan – Russia Makes an Unexpected Move

United States Fails in Afghanistan – Russia Makes an Unexpected Move

The conflict in Syria is drawing to a close, but Afghanistan may be about to break out in conflict with renewed vigor. It is, according to numerous sources, that the ISIL fighters are moving to continue their war. Will events in Afghanistan develop according to the Syrian scenario? Or is there a chance of avoiding…