US Marines Return to Afghanistan’s Helmand Province for First Time Since 2014

US Marines Return to Afghanistan’s Helmand Province for First Time Since 2014

US Marines have returned to Afghanistan’s southernmost Helmand province, which is mostly controlled by the Taliban. The Marines withdrew from the area in October of 2014, and the security situation there has deteriorating over the years. The province saw some of the worst fighting in the earlier years of the US-led occupation. NATO says its…

Who’s in Trump’s Head?

Who’s in Trump’s Head?

At the end of last week, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said arresting Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is now a “priority.” Not long after, CNN reported that authorities have prepared charges against Assange, who is currently seeking refuge at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Donald Trump’s response to these recent developments was “It’s OK with…

Afghanistan Mazar-e Sharif Attack: US-Backed Regime Suffers Another Setback

Afghanistan Mazar-e Sharif Attack: US-Backed Regime Suffers Another Setback

It was just recently that the United States deployed its GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) weapon against alleged tunnels belonging to the Islamic State terrorist organization in Afghanistan. The strike was meant to project US strength amid an increasingly challenged and contracting “international order.” However, striking a terrorist organization’s tunnel complex in a country the organization…

The Honeymoon of the Generals

The Honeymoon of the Generals

Or Why Trump’s Wars Should Seem So Familiar MOAB sounds more like an incestuous, war-torn biblical kingdom than the GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast, aka “the mother of all bombs.” Still, give Donald Trump credit. Only the really, really big bombs, whether North Korean nukes or those 21,600 pounds of MOAB, truly get his attention….

Afghan Military Top Brass Resign after Devastating Taliban Attack

Afghan Military Top Brass Resign after Devastating Taliban Attack

Afghanistan’s defense minister and army chief of staff have resigned following a deadly Taliban attack on a military base in the north of the country. The resignations come just ahead of a visit by US Defense Secretary James Mattis. Defence Minister Abdullah Habibi & Army Chief of Staff Qadam Shah Shahim stepped down with immediate…