Af-Pak: The Next Theater for Middle Eastern War Expansion

Af-Pak: The Next Theater for Middle Eastern War Expansion

It is true that US-Pakistan relations deteriorated after 2011. The Lad­en, Salala and Raymon­d events were responsible for that. But I ­doubt that the US has finally lost influence in Pakistan’s intelligence services. I think that if the region wants peace back, ­we should let Afghan ­people decide their own political fate. If they like…

Make Up Your Mind, Mr Trump – Disaster Looms in Afghanistan

Make Up Your Mind, Mr Trump – Disaster Looms in Afghanistan

The erratic presidency of Mr Donald Trump is careering from policy to policy, mixing some up, cancelling others and inventing a few on the hoof while trying to cope with self-inflicted crises affecting important international affairs. The recent debacle over the enforced exit of National Security Adviser, General Flynn, was more than just a PR…