Australian War Crimes Report Means Get the Fuck Out of Afghanistan

Australian War Crimes Report Means Get the Fuck Out of Afghanistan

The much-anticipated report on potential war crimes by the Australian Defence Force (ADF) in Afghanistan has been released, recommending 19 current or former soldiers be investigated for up to 39 murders. Not combat kills. Not accidental kills. Not non-combatants killed by disputable decisions made in the heat of battle. Not civilians killed due to recklessness…

Is Trump’s Afghan Drawdown Driven by Principles or Machiavellian Motives?

Is Trump’s Afghan Drawdown Driven by Principles or Machiavellian Motives?

Trump’s decision to cut the number of US troops in Afghanistan from 4500 to 2500 raised questions about whether he’s simply fulfilling a campaign promise out of principle or whether he’s hedging his bets in a Machiavellian way by preemptively attempting to obstruct Biden’s possible foreign policy in the event that his opponent successfully seizes…

Did the US Commit Crimes in Afghanistan? International Prosecutors Want to Find Out

Did the US Commit Crimes in Afghanistan? International Prosecutors Want to Find Out

International prosecutors tasked with looking into alleged war crimes in Afghanistan have no shortage of potential targets. Afghan soldiers and warlords have been accused of rape, murder and kidnap almost since fighting began in late 2001. The deliberate targeting of civilians by the Taliban and other groups continues to this day. Meanwhile, U.S. forces and…

Pakistan Made a Compelling Case That India Is a State Sponsor of Terrorism

Pakistan Made a Compelling Case That India Is a State Sponsor of Terrorism

Pakistan released a detailed dossier during a press conference on Saturday strongly making the case that India is a state sponsor of terrorism whose intelligence services have weaponized this phenomenon as part of the proxy war that they’re fighting with respect to the UNSC-recognized international Kashmir dispute and against the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), with…

Dropped Prosecutions: The Afghan Files, Public Interest Journalism and Dan Oakes

Dropped Prosecutions: The Afghan Files, Public Interest Journalism and Dan Oakes

In July 2017, two journalists working for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Dan Oakes and Sam Clark, wrote of a stash of incriminating documents, running into hundreds of pages. They were “secret defence force documents leaked to the ABC”. These documents gave “an unprecedented insight into the clandestine operations in Australia’s elite special forces in Afghanistan,…