Al-Qaeda “Mysteriously” Metastasizing in Northwest Syria

Al-Qaeda “Mysteriously” Metastasizing in Northwest Syria

The Washington Post in an article titled, “Al-Qaida in Syria snuffs out competition in northwest,” clumsily reveals what many following the Syrian conflict have known all along – that the so-called uprising never existed, and that the US and its allies are directly arming, aiding, and abetting Al Qaeda in Syria. The article admits: Syrian…

Al-Qaeda Strikes Back

Al-Qaeda Strikes Back

Al-Qaeda has upped its ideological challenge to Saudi Arabia with an attack by Hamza bin Laden on the royal family’s legitimacy. This comes as the group’s failed 2009 attempt to assassinate their Saudi nemesis, Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, ironically appears to have provided the pretense for his demotion from crown prince. Al-Qaeda declared war on the Saudi royal family 15 years ago…