Is Assad ‘Pulling A Saakashvili’ In Northwestern Syria?

Is Assad ‘Pulling A Saakashvili’ In Northwestern Syria?

While there are certainly some structural similarities between the Syrian Arab Army’s ongoing liberation offensive in Northwestern Syria and Saakashvili’s previous desire to restore Georgia’s full sovereignty over Abkhazia and South Ossetia in 2008, the international legal and situational differences between the two are much too important to ignore and thus make these two cases…

Syrians restore a shop in Aleppo’s Old City on 22 April (AFP)

The Looting of Aleppo: ‘We’re Living in Medieval Times’

Compare and contrast these two scenes: in Berlin, a team of highly qualified Syrian architects under the auspices of the Museum of Islamic Art carefully builds a digital archive of Aleppo’s historic monuments to help with future restoration. In Aleppo, a gang of semi-illiterate thugs under the auspices of “The Tiger” – Russian President Vladimir…

I Traced Missile Casings in Syria Back to Their Original Sellers – It’s Time for the West to Reveal Who They Sell Arms to

I Traced Missile Casings in Syria Back to Their Original Sellers – It’s Time for the West to Reveal Who They Sell Arms to

Readers, a small detective story. Note down this number: MFG BGM-71E-1B. And this number: STOCK NO 1410-01-300-0254. And this code: DAA A01 C-0292. I found all these numerals printed on the side of a spent missile casing lying in the basement of a bombed-out Islamist base in eastern Aleppo last year. At the top were…

Withholding Medical Supplies is a Vicious Part of the Ghouta Siege

Withholding Medical Supplies is a Vicious Part of the Ghouta Siege

Sieges are a merciless business, never more so than in Syria. As a UN aid convoy entered Eastern Ghouta, the World Health Organisation said that Syrian government security had forced the removal from its trucks of “all trauma kits, surgical, dialysis sessions and insulin”. Some 70 per cent of the medical supplies being sent were…