Opposing Israeli Brutality Against Palestinians Makes You Human Not Anti-Semitic

Opposing Israeli Brutality Against Palestinians Makes You Human Not Anti-Semitic

Writing columns often involves difficult choices. What you write about reflects your opinions and priorities. Every time I sit down at my laptop to construct a column I agonise over what to write about from a huge list of worthy topics and current affairs issues. Today I simply cannot ignore the corrosive effect of the very…

Israel’s Polonophobic Racism Might Help Netanyahu Win Reelection

Israel’s Polonophobic Racism Might Help Netanyahu Win Reelection

The four Central European EuroRealist countries of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic were supposed to gather together in Israel until Netanyahu and his new Foreign Minister ruined the occasion and made it politically impossible to do so. The Israeli premier was in the Polish capital last week for a US-organized Mideast summit, during…

Everyone Is an Anti-Semite; at Least That's What the Media Says

Everyone Is an Anti-Semite; at Least That's What the Media Says

Has anyone else noticed how almost anything you say nowadays – if it’s leftwing – can suddenly be cited as proof of your anti-semitism? That is, if you haven’t already been denounced as a Kremlin stooge. Oppose the regular neoconservative regime-change operations, such as the latest one targeting Venezuela, and point to the long record…

France’s ‘Holy Secular Empire’ Slurs Yellow Vests as anti-Semitic, Bans anti-Zionism

France’s ‘Holy Secular Empire’ Slurs Yellow Vests as anti-Semitic, Bans anti-Zionism

Back in November 2008, Rahm Emmanuel, then president-elect Barack Obama’s chief of staff and later the detested mayor of Chicago, famously told The Wall Street Journal, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. … This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not before.” A wave of…

The Growing Anti-Semitism Scam

The Growing Anti-Semitism Scam

In his novel 1984 George Orwell invented the expression “newspeak” to describe the ambiguous or deliberately misleading use of language to make political propaganda and narrow the “thought options” of those who are on the receiving end. In the context of today’s political discourse, or what passes for the same, it would be interesting to…