This undated photo shows British billionaire, Joseph C. Lewis, at a Tottenham Hotspurs football game in the United Kingdom. Photo | Reuters

The Dark Secret Behind a British Billionaire’s “Parallel State” in Argentina’s Patagonia

At the “end of the world,” spanning the southernmost regions of Argentina and Chile, lies the land of Patagonia, much of which remains a pristine wilderness that has inspired countless naturalists and would-be adventurers with its dramatic landscapes and natural beauty. For many, it is a place that still feels remarkably untouched and removed from…

South America’s “Prosur” Is a Pivotal Component of “Fortress America”

South America’s “Prosur” Is a Pivotal Component of “Fortress America”

Last week the leaders of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Peru created the so-called “Forum for the Progress of South America”, or “Prosur”, in what many observers understood to be a replacement for the ailing and internally divided mid-2000s “Pink Tide” bloc of Unasur that formerly united the continent with its leftist and progressive…

Part of the ‘family photo’ featuring world leaders including Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on November 30, 2018. Photo: EPA

Royal Road Ahead: Saudi Prince Leaves G20 Confident, Turning Corner after Khashoggi Scandal

THERE WAS A high-five from Vladimir Putin. And for Xi Jinping and Narendra Modi it was business as usual. At home, Saudi Arabia’s media trumpeted Mohammed bin Salman’s meetings with world leaders, tweeting pictures of his encounters, which also included the presidents of South Korea, Mexico, and South Africa. However, Western leaders appeared to avoid…

Sayonara, ‘America First’! We Hardly Knew Ye!

Sayonara, ‘America First’! We Hardly Knew Ye!

President Donald Trump’s cancellation of his planned meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Buenos Aires G20 is another sign of the now almost certain demise of his declared “America First” agenda – and perhaps of his presidency. Supposedly decided in response to a Ukraine-Russia naval incident in the Kerch Strait, dumping the meeting…

The Argentinian-Chinese Partnership Can Balance Trump’s “Fortress America”

The Argentinian-Chinese Partnership Can Balance Trump’s “Fortress America”

Despite the post-Kirchner government’s many faults, one thing that it’s doing right is retaining the Argentinian-Chinese Strategic Partnership, which holds the best hope for Beijing to balance Trump’s “Fortress America” plans in the hemisphere. This week’s G20 Summit has drawn global attention to the host country of Argentina, a South American nation that’s recently experienced…