Wanting War over Taiwan: Australia’s Gang of Five

Wanting War over Taiwan: Australia’s Gang of Five

Diligently, obediently and with a degree of dangerous imbecility, a number of Australian media outlets are manufacturing a consensus for war with a country that has never been a natural, historical enemy, nor sought to be.  But as Australia remains the satellite of a Sino-suspicious US imperium, its officials and their dutiful advocates in the…

If Austria and Switzerland Are Exempt from NATO Then Why Not Ukraine?

If Austria and Switzerland Are Exempt from NATO Then Why Not Ukraine?

Moscow insists that its demand for halting NATO expansionism is inviolable. Washington insists on rejecting that. The gap in diplomacy is becoming a dangerous abyss. American and NATO officials contend that Russia has no right to demand that Ukraine be excluded from membership of the military alliance. Such a demand is a non-starter, they say….

France, Belgium and Austria Move into the Frontline of a Battle for the Soul of Islam

France, Belgium and Austria Move into the Frontline of a Battle for the Soul of Islam

Punching above its weight, the United Arab Emirates is wielding a combination of religious soft power, commercial and economic sway, and hard power in its bid to counter political Islam in ways that potentially could threaten pillars of Western democracy as well as US and European strategic interests. The UAE’s footprint is visible across the…

The Kurdish-Turkish Clashes In Vienna Aren’t As Clear-Cut As They Seem

The Kurdish-Turkish Clashes In Vienna Aren’t As Clear-Cut As They Seem

The Mainstream Media has attempted to misportray the latest Kurdish-Turkish clashes in Vienna as “ethnic clashes” in order to imply that the different ethnic groups that migrated to Austria from the Republic of Turkey are fighting with one another in a third state for strictly superficial reasons having to do with their respective identities, but…

The Honey Trap That Wasn’t What It Seemed: What was Really Behind ‘Operation Strache’?

The Honey Trap That Wasn’t What It Seemed: What was Really Behind ‘Operation Strache’?

It’s been reported that the ‘Russian oligarch’s niece’ at the centre of the corruption scandal which has brought down the Austrian government was actually a Bosnian student paid as part of an elaborate ‘sting’ operation. But who was behind this plot and was it part of the ongoing campaign to discredit Russia? From Brexit to…

Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl

Is Austria About to Become Israel’s Top Ally in Europe?

The Austrian Foreign Minister lambasted the EU for its supposedly “too strict” policy towards Israel. Karin Kneissl also said that her country would take the lead to “inject realism” into the bloc’s ties with Tel Aviv, arguing that “Israel is often held to a higher standard than other countries.” The diplomat has personal and political reasons…