Volunteers with the right-wing paramilitary Azov National Corps light flares during a rally on the snowy streets in front of the Ukrainian parliament in Kiev, Ukraine, Nov. 26, 2018. Protesters from far-right party National Corps brandished yellow-and-blue flags with the Ukrainian national trident symbol, and a banner reading ‘Don’t back down!” Efrem Lukatsky | AP

With Tensions Mounting over Kerch Strait Incident, Will Ukraine Replace Syria as Focus for US’ Russia Containment Strategy?

Seemingly out of nowhere, Ukraine nearly declared war on Russia over the weekend after a confrontation in the Kerch Strait, which straddles Crimea and the Russian mainland, between Ukrainian naval boats and Russian authorities that resulted in Russia seizing three Ukrainian navy vessels and 24 Ukrainian sailors. Ukraine has accused Russian ships — with no…

Tense Standoff Around Kerch Strait between Russia & Ukraine: How It Developed

Tense Standoff Around Kerch Strait between Russia & Ukraine: How It Developed

First, here is a pretty good summary of what has taken place (including videos) posted by RT: Russian ships used weapons to stop & seize Ukrainian vessels violating territorial waters – FSB Tense standoff around Kerch Strait between Russia & Ukraine: How it developed I will just add that at the time of writing (07:38…

Azov Sea Resolution Adopted: European Parliament Takes Another Swipe at Russia

Azov Sea Resolution Adopted: European Parliament Takes Another Swipe at Russia

The European Parliament (EP) has adopted a resolution calling for tougher sanctions from the European Union (EU) against Russia, should the situation in the Azov Sea continue to deteriorate. The document states that the Kerch bridge was built illegally, therefore the EP welcomes the council’s decision to impose restrictive measures against the companies involved in its construction….

Azov Sea Flashpoint: Russia, Ukraine Teetering on the Brink of War

Azov Sea Flashpoint: Russia, Ukraine Teetering on the Brink of War

Ukraine has increased its military presence in the Azov Sea region. Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council met on Sept. 7 and agreed to take a variety of steps to boost the country’s combat capabilities in the area, including the creation of a missile-equipped naval infantry group to counter potential amphibious attacks and naval shore bombardments. Ukraine’s Gurza-M-class armored artillery…