Gauging Ukraine with Russia and Belarus

Gauging Ukraine with Russia and Belarus

In the post-Soviet period, US foreign policy and media establishments have overhyped Ukrainian positives, while disproportionately highlighting the negatives in Russia and Belarus, Michael Averko writes. Among Western foreign policy establishment elites, a growing realism has developed on the shortcomings evident in Ukraine. This reality partly explains the somewhat limited Western mass media coverage of the just…

This Might be the Beginning of the End for the Russian-Belarusian Strategic Partnership

This Might be the Beginning of the End for the Russian-Belarusian Strategic Partnership

Belarus just suspended the shipment of light oil products from Russia to the West in the latest escalation of the unprecedented dispute between these two “Union State” “allies” in a move that might very well mark the beginning of the end for their strategic partnership. “Pulling A Ukraine” Belarus just “pulled a Ukraine” by suspending…

A “Fake Fort Trump” Might Get Belarus to Back Down From Its Promise to Respond

A “Fake Fort Trump” Might Get Belarus to Back Down From Its Promise to Respond

Poland is sending signals about the uncertain future of Fort Trump. There wouldn’t ordinarily be any cause to speculate about the prospects of building the much-talked about Fort Trump in Poland when considering that Warsaw is so gung-ho about it that its President offered to foot the estimated $2 billion bill last year, or especially…

Belarus & Russia: Nipping the “Annexation” Infowar Narrative in the Bud

Belarus & Russia: Nipping the “Annexation” Infowar Narrative in the Bud

The emerging narrative that Russia is planning to “annex” Belarus is nothing more than an external infowar attack on their recently troubled partnership that seeks to accelerate the pace of Minsk’s pro-Western pivot by falsely fearmongering about Moscow’s geopolitical intentions. Applebaum Rings The “Annexation” Alarm Even the most casual “Russia watcher” has probably come across…