There is More to BlackRock Than You Might Imagine

There is More to BlackRock Than You Might Imagine

A virtually unregulated investment firm today exercises more political and financial influence than the Federal Reserve and most governments on this planet. The firm, BlackRock Inc., the world’s largest asset manager, invests a staggering $9 trillion in client funds worldwide, a sum more than double the annual GDP of the Federal Republic of Germany. This…

What Wall Street Fears

What Wall Street Fears

The origin of modern banking can be found in the early days of the gold trade. In the Middle Ages, goldsmiths accepted deposits of gold in return for paper notes, which could be exchanged for the deposits at a later date. Because these paper notes were more convenient for commercial use than physical metal, they…

Lockdowns, Coronavirus, and Banks: “Following the Money”. Devastating Economic and Social Impacts

Lockdowns, Coronavirus, and Banks: “Following the Money”. Devastating Economic and Social Impacts

It usually makes sense to follow the money when seeking understanding of almost any major change. The strategy of following the money in our current convergence of crises in late summer of 2020 leads us directly to the lockdowns. The lockdowns were first imposed on people in the Wuhan area of China. Then other populations…

The Great Economic Depression of 2020: No Lessons Learned as Central Banks’ Bazookas Dribble or Misfire

The Great Economic Depression of 2020: No Lessons Learned as Central Banks’ Bazookas Dribble or Misfire

After 2008, we were promised that too-big-to-fail caused by too much debt, credit, and leverage was history. Covid-19 exposed Wall Street’s culture of “Heads I win, tails you bail me out.” That’s not capitalism, it’s extortion. Are globalization’s new record highs a minefield-filled Potemkin village? In 2020, financial markets have set numerous records. In January,…

The New “Water Barons”: Wall Street Mega-Banks are Buying up the World’s Water

The New “Water Barons”: Wall Street Mega-Banks are Buying up the World’s Water

This article was first published on December 21, 2012 by Market Oracle and Global Research. A disturbing trend in the water sector is accelerating worldwide. The new “water barons” — the Wall Street banks and elitist multibillionaires — are buying up water all over the world at unprecedented pace. Familiar mega-banks and investing powerhouses such…

The Pinnacle of the Pyramid of Wealth and Power: the Buck Stops Here

The Pinnacle of the Pyramid of Wealth and Power: the Buck Stops Here

While putting together an analysis of the shareholders of some of the most strategic and lucrative sectors of the Australian economy several years ago I discovered that almost all of them are substantially or majority-owned and completely controlled by just four financial entities: JP Morgan, Citibank, HSBC and National Nominees (I suspect that National Nominees…