Who Has Spent the Most Dollars Lobbying Washington in 2019?

Who Has Spent the Most Dollars Lobbying Washington in 2019?

The pharmaceutical industry is holding on to its title as the top lobbying force in Washington amid pressure from lawmakers at all ends of the ideological spectrum. Drugmakers have spent more than $129 million through September, slightly down from nearly $133 million at this time last year, but still far more than any other industry. …

Modern Medicine and Big Pharma. Healthcare Crisis in America

Modern Medicine and Big Pharma. Healthcare Crisis in America

This new year will likely mark another milestone in science and medicine. Again, Americans will spend more money on diagnostic tests, surgeries and other medical procedures, and patients will consume more drugs and receive more treatments than any other time in US history. We will continue to be inundated with television drug advertisements with the…

Vaccine Realities That Big Pharma Doesn’t Teach Us Doctors (or Our Patients). The Plight of “Vaccine Damaged Children”

Vaccine Realities That Big Pharma Doesn’t Teach Us Doctors (or Our Patients). The Plight of “Vaccine Damaged Children”

“In 1986 a US law was passed that protected vaccine maker’s from ever being sued in a a regular court regardless of how many babies or children were injured of killed from the aluminum, mercury (aka Thimerosal), formaldehyde, aborted fetal cells, deadly peanut byproducts, cells of pigs, cows, monkeys, dogs, insects, MSG (monosodium glutamate), ether…

Big Pharma Fights Proposal to Keep It From Looting Medicare

Big Pharma Fights Proposal to Keep It From Looting Medicare

The Trump administration has proposed that insurance plans providing drug coverage to Medicare beneficiaries will no longer be forced to cover six hitherto “protected” drug classes. The classes––which include drugs for psychiatric conditions, cancer and immune diseases––are among the priciest of all drugs and account for as much as 33 percent of total outpatient drug…