Last year in Riyadh, US President Donald Trump with many of the same Arab leaders who were on the yacht (AFP)

The Secret Yacht Summit That Realigned the Middle East

George Nader, the Lebanese-American businessman and convicted paedophile, who is co-operating with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Donald Trump’s campaign funding, organised a secret summit of Arab leaders on a yacht in the Red Sea in late 2015, Middle East Eye can reveal. Nader proposed to the leaders gathered on the yacht that they…

Russia Might “Pivot to Africa” with “Mercenaries”

Russia Might “Pivot to Africa” with “Mercenaries”

The upcoming draft proposal to legalize private military companies (PMCs, a.k.a. “mercenaries”) in Russia could give the country a competitive edge over its rivals by helping it carve out a valuable and much-demanded niche as a reliable security provider, thus enabling it to later leverage its strategic advantage to reap energy, mineral, economic, and other…

Outsourcing the War in Afghanistan is an Awful Idea

Outsourcing the War in Afghanistan is an Awful Idea

Erik Prince wants nothing less than to create a parallel foreign-policy structure and military hierarchy that exist outside official channels. There are no good options on Afghanistan. Experts disagree on whether the current or potential future terrorist threat justifies continuing to spend American blood and treasure in the war-torn country where the Taliban is going…

Blackwater Founder’s ‘Disturbing’ Plan to Privatize Afghan War Gains Ground

Blackwater Founder’s ‘Disturbing’ Plan to Privatize Afghan War Gains Ground

As President Donald Trump vents his frustration with the United States’ “losing” strategy in Afghanistan, the “notorious mercenary” and Blackwater founder Erik Prince has seized the moment to offer his favored alternative: privatize the war. “A private air force and a bombing app! From the people who brought you Blackwater; an even more disturbing idea.”…

An example of aircraft that could be used by Lancaster6. Source:

Blackwater Founder Wants to Boost the Afghan Air War with His Private Air Force

Erik Prince, the former CEO of the private military company known as Blackwater, wants to step up the Afghan air war with a private air force capable of intelligence collection and close-air support, according to a recent proposal submitted to the Afghan government. According to a senior Afghan military official, Prince has submitted a business…