American ‘Stormtroopers’ — A Bright Shining Lie

American ‘Stormtroopers’ — A Bright Shining Lie

With the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse under nightly siege from violent radicals, and Portland’s police hard-pressed to protect it, President Trump sent in federal agents to secure the building. The reaction from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi: “The use of stormtroopers under the guise of law and order is a tactic that…

Crash the Economy, Burn the Cities, Infect the People: the Evil Plan to Remake America

Crash the Economy, Burn the Cities, Infect the People: the Evil Plan to Remake America

The American people are under attack, the country is under attack, and democracy is under attack. At present, the enemy is conducting a three-pronged assault on the presidency the objective of which is to remove the existing administration and install their own sock-puppet replacement. This has been the goal from the very beginning although the…

Feds Attack!

Feds Attack!

Federal agents poured into Portland, Oregon this month to crack down on anti-racism protests. They beat up peaceful protesters and fired impact munitions at demonstrators, seriously injuring one of them. They drove around the city in unmarked vans pulling people off the street. Oregon officials at every level — the city, the state, and congressional representatives — have demanded…

GloboCap Über Alles

GloboCap Über Alles

So, how are you enjoying the “New Normal” so far? Is it paranoid and totalitarian enough for you? If not … well, hold on, because it’s just getting started. There is plenty more totalitarianism and paranoia still to come. I know, it feels like forever already, but, in fact, it has only been a few…

There is a Dark and Dangerous Forest Behind These Burning Trees…

There is a Dark and Dangerous Forest Behind These Burning Trees…

Roughly half-way through the year 2020 it is becoming pretty obvious that there are a number of major developments which almost got our total attention, and for good reason, as these are tectonic shifts which truly qualify as “catastrophe” (under the definition “a violent and sudden change in a feature of the earth“). These are:…