The Last of the Mad Pirates?

The Last of the Mad Pirates?

There is clear evidence of a world increasingly steeped in conflict and violence: The degradation of U.S.-Russian relations, territorial tensions in the South China Sea, the hostile rhetoric between North Korea and the United States, an escalation of the border conflict between China and India, growing tension between Israel and Iran, and the continuing wars in…

The Same Ol’ Afghan War Fallacies

The Same Ol’ Afghan War Fallacies

President Trump’s statement on Afghanistan has numerous shortcomings. It portrays as a “new strategy” what is instead a familiar kicking of a can down the road. It combines Trump’s habit of heaping blame on his predecessors with a warmed-over version of what those predecessors did in Afghanistan. It declares a determination to “win” while leaving one guessing…

Continuity of Agenda: Trump’s “Fire and Fury” Brewed Under Bush, Obama

Continuity of Agenda: Trump’s “Fire and Fury” Brewed Under Bush, Obama

The United States has issued a provocative threat to North Korea of “fire and fury.” Following it up, the Guardian would report in its article, “Trump on North Korea: maybe ‘fire and fury’ wasn’t tough enough threat,” further threats being made: Donald Trump has issued another provocative warning to North Korea, suggesting that his threat…

Missing the Real Noriega Story

Missing the Real Noriega Story

The death of former Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega on May 29 elicited few if any tears. But it should have sparked more reflection in the United States on his ugly history of service to the CIA, the hypocrisy of Washington’s sudden discovery of his abuses once Noriega became an unreliable ally against the Nicaraguan Sandinistas,…