Israeli Intelligence Uses Phone App to Troll and Mass Report People Off the Internet

Israeli Intelligence Uses Phone App to Troll and Mass Report People Off the Internet

Much has been said in the Jewish media about mysterious Russian trolls influencing elections, but real cyber disinformation campaigns are being organized by the Israeli government out in the open. A mobile phone app called Act.IL available for download in the Apple storerecruits every day American Jews and organizes them in troll operations on social media in an…

We Cannot Allow Facebook and Twitter to Use COVID-19 to Launch Their Own Coup D’état

We Cannot Allow Facebook and Twitter to Use COVID-19 to Launch Their Own Coup D’état

World leaders are having their social media posts deleted under the guise of the pandemic, but is this just the beginning of socially destructive subterfuge? A few days ago, Facebook and Twitter decided to delete contributions from two world leaders. The first was Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who shared a video and aired his view…

One World Digital Dictatorship

One World Digital Dictatorship

Dystopian classics are back into the spotlight, like Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and George Orwell’s 1984. They have roared back onto bestseller lists due to whistleblowers’ exposés of government imperialism and totalitarian surveillance of their citizens and foreigners. While the kakistocracy and dystopian surveillance state depicted in 1984 undoubtedly reflected, to some extent, contemporary sociopolitical realities, Orwell extrapolated worst-case…