CENTCOM Is Taking S-CPEC+ Real Seriously

CENTCOM Is Taking S-CPEC+ Real Seriously

The Commander of US Central Command (CENTCOM) told the House Armed Services Committee just how “concerned” he is about China projecting its Silk Road influence from Gwadar to Africa through S-CPEC+ and consequently establishing a permanent naval presence in the western end of the Afro-Asian Ocean. CPEC is increasingly being appreciated as the game-changing geostrategic…

Propaganda, Confrontation and Profit

Propaganda, Confrontation and Profit

The waves, the artificial tides of anti-Russian propaganda continue to beat upon the ears and eyes of Western citizens, spurred by Washington politicians and bureaucrats whose motives vary from deviously duplicitous to blatantly commercial. It is no coincidence that there has been vastly increased expenditure on US weaponry by Eastern European countries. Complementing the weapons’…

Prepare, Pursue, Prevail! Onward and Upward with U.S. Central Command

Prepare, Pursue, Prevail! Onward and Upward with U.S. Central Command

By way of explaining his eight failed marriages, the American bandleader Artie Shaw once remarked, “I am an incurable optimist.” In reality, Artie was an incurable narcissist. Utterly devoid of self-awareness, he never looked back, only forward. So, too, with the incurable optimists who manage present-day American wars. What matters is not past mistakes but…

Commander of the US Central Command, General Joseph Votel (Photo: US Department of Defense)

Top US General Secretly Visits Syria amid Washington’s Plans to Dispatch More Troops

Commander of the US Central Command (CENTCOM), General Joseph Votel, has secretly visited the Syrian Arab Republic in order to meet with leaders of US-backed militant groups. The visit was made just two days after it was announced that Washington is going to dispatch more US troops to the Arab country. On Friday, Votel, who…