Daesh and the US Share a Goal of Disrupting the Kabul-Taliban Ceasefire and the Wider Afghan Reconciliation Process

Daesh and the US Share a Goal of Disrupting the Kabul-Taliban Ceasefire and the Wider Afghan Reconciliation Process

A ceasefire declared between the Afghan government and Taliban on the eve of the Islamic celebration of Eid has been devastated by an attack on a meeting between Afghan Security Forces and Taliban representatives in Nangarhar province. Already over 20 have died in the terrorist attack. This represents a further attempt by a terrorist force- almost…

The Marine Deployment to Norway Is an Anti-Chinese Power Play by America

The Marine Deployment to Norway Is an Anti-Chinese Power Play by America

It might seem like Norway’s request for a doubling of US Marines on its territory and their relocation closer to the country’s Arctic border with Russia is obviously aimed against Moscow, and while that’s definitely the implied short-term military reason, the real long-term strategic one is that America is making a power play for exerting…

Japan is Seeking Balance in its Relations with the US, China and Russia

Japan is Seeking Balance in its Relations with the US, China and Russia

The sudden burst in Japanese foreign policy efforts over the last few months cannot go unnoticed. It is hard not to note Tokyo’s attempts to influence and probe the state of its relations with Washington, Beijing and Moscow. It is worth mentioning that the political landscape in the critically important North East Asia sub-region are…