Malaysia: US Loses Another Key Ally in Asia Pacific Region

Malaysia: US Loses Another Key Ally in Asia Pacific Region

Malaysia is another old time America’s ally to shift away from the US orbit following the Philippines. Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak visited China on October 31-November 6 to sign 14 agreements totaling 143.64 billion ringgit ($34.25 billion), including a defence deal.  Malaysia agreed to buy four Chinese littoral combat ships. Two will be built in China…

When Duterte Met Abe: Is Japan America’s Pit Bull or Lap Dog… …or Dog in the Manger?

When Duterte Met Abe: Is Japan America’s Pit Bull or Lap Dog… …or Dog in the Manger?

The big story in Asia IMO is the smaller powers trying to integrate with the PRC economically while keeping it at arms’ length militarily, but that doesn’t seem to drive the coverage I see. Perhaps as a function of that “salary depends on not understanding” Mark Twain crack, US diplos/generals/journos/wonks seem determined to ignore the…

The Myth of the McMahon Line

The Myth of the McMahon Line

The McMahon Line is notorious since India unilaterally—and with some help from the United States and zero agreement from the PRC—asserts that the McMahon Line is the indisputable boundary between India and the PRC in India’s Northeast. The McMahon Line is a hot-button issue for Tibetan nationalists as well, since Great Britain negotiated it directly…

Why the West Must Stop China

Why the West Must Stop China

Over the past decade, China has become increasingly bold, doing everything it can to act the neighborhood bully. Narcissistic, entitled and unwilling to bear any criticism, China seems to believe it can walk over almost anyone—mostly because no one has given them any reason to think otherwise. Nations have refrained from criticizing China too strongly, or…