Christianity’s Survival in Israel Is Under Attack

Christianity’s Survival in Israel Is Under Attack

Israel’s new government is still taking shape, but some of the policy changes being promoted are so Jewish-centric that they will inevitably impact disproportionately on minority disadvantaged communities like the Palestinian Christians and Muslims. The government itself is already being described in the press as the “most extremist or right wing in Israel’s history,” though…

A Christian man carries a cross along the Via Dolorosa ahead of the Good Friday procession in Jerusalem’s Old City, on April 2, 2021. Maya Alleruzzo | AP

Complicity in Hate: Israeli Government Boycotts Conference on Attacks Against Christians

Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon denounced a conference organized by the Israeli Open University to discuss the increasing violence on Christians and Christian sites in Palestine. These attacks, carried out mostly by Anti-Chrisitan Zionist hate groups, have increased at an alarming pace. Close to twenty incidents were registered between the end of 2022 and June of…

Fighting the Religious Fight

Fighting the Religious Fight

A federal district court recently ruled that a Pennsylvania school district violated both the free speech and religious freedom rights of satanists when the district excluded the satanists from running an after-school Satan club in a public school. Also in the news recently: A restraining order was placed against a Christian street preacher named Rich Penkoski for posting…

‘Our Parent in Heaven’: Liberals Push for a Gender-Neutral God

‘Our Parent in Heaven’: Liberals Push for a Gender-Neutral God

At a time when Church membership has hit an all-time low in the Western world, it might seem odd that Christian leaders appear more determined than ever to alienate what’s left of their dwindling flock through woke nonsense.  In December, for example, the Dean of Trinity College left an assembly of worshippers in tears after…