Washington’s Ominous Credibility Implosion

Washington’s Ominous Credibility Implosion

All statecraft and politics is notoriously deceptive and duplicitous to a degree. It’s part of the Machiavellian game and even at times, arguably, can be paradoxically key to success for good outcomes. But Washington’s current problem is on an altogether different scale. Its rampant duplicity seems to be spinning itself into an ominous credibility crisis. A crisis that…

Trump’s Drone Kill Rate 80 Times Greater than Under Bush

Trump’s Drone Kill Rate 80 Times Greater than Under Bush

During the 2016 election, Donald Trump – quite successfully – managed to convince a sizable portion of the electorate that he would take a much more anti-interventionist stance, in terms of U.S. military entanglements abroad, than would his contender Hillary Clinton. Yet, throughout his first year as president, such differences have been few and far between….

Fitness Tracking App Accidentally Reveals Secret US Military Bases, CIA “Black” Sites

Fitness Tracking App Accidentally Reveals Secret US Military Bases, CIA “Black” Sites

An interactive online fitness tracking map published in November of 2017 which compiles a running history of the location and routes of 27 million fitness-device users has unwittingly revealed the location, staffing, patrol routes and layout of U.S. and foreign military bases around the world. San Francisco based fitness company Strava posted their “global heatmap” to their website, containing…

What Is ‘Safari Club II’ and How It Can Change Middle East Dynamics

What Is ‘Safari Club II’ and How It Can Change Middle East Dynamics

During the Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency convinced certain European and Middle Eastern allies to establish an informal intelligence alliance whose links to the United States would be “plausibly denied” in typical CIA parlance. In 1976, a group of pro-Western intelligence agency directors secretly met at the Mt. Kenya Safari Club in Nanyuki, Kenya…

America’s Deceitful Secret Support of Al Qaeda

America’s Deceitful Secret Support of Al Qaeda

In a recent article, I documented that “US Again Supports Al Qaeda in Syria”. In a prior article, I had documented that since 2012 the US Government has cooperated with the Sauds’ plan to install in Syria a fundamentalist-Sunni government to replace Syria’s existing secular Government, and that the fundamentalist-Sunni organization Al Qaeda has been the US…