#Vault7: CIA’s Secret Cyberweapon can Infiltrate World’s Most Secure Networks

#Vault7: CIA’s Secret Cyberweapon can Infiltrate World’s Most Secure Networks

WikiLeaks’ latest release in its Vault7 series details how the CIA’s alleged ‘Brutal Kangaroo’ program is being used to penetrate the most secure networks in the world. Brutal Kangaroo, a tool suite for Microsoft Windows, targets closed air gapped networks by using thumb drives, according to WikiLeaks. Air gapping is a security measure employed on…

The British and U.S. Governments Installed Khomeini into Power in 1979

The British and U.S. Governments Installed Khomeini into Power in 1979

“It is easier to mislead many men than one.” – Herodotus. (As quoted in F.E. Adcock’s 1963 book, ‘Thucydides And His History,’ on pg. 51. Cambridge University Press: London). “Reality is created by language. But, we don’t realize how true this is, that reality really is created by language, and that we are all imprisoned…

Documents Shedding Light on CIA-Orchestrated Iranian coup of ’53 Released by State Dept

Documents Shedding Light on CIA-Orchestrated Iranian coup of ’53 Released by State Dept

The US State Department has released a volume of declassified documents detailing the role the United States played in the 1953 coup against the Iranian government of Mohammad Mosaddegh. Released Thursday, the 1,000-page “Foreign Relations of the United States, Iran, 1951–1954” provides information on the use of covert operations in Iran by the Truman and…

Watching You While You Browse: How the CIA has been Hacking Your Router

Watching You While You Browse: How the CIA has been Hacking Your Router

Wi-Fi routers typically sit in dusty corners of homes and offices, quietly transmitting internet accessibility to computers, tablets and phones in its immediate vicinity. However, these unpretentious devices are a goldmine for hackers – and were specifically targeted by the US Central Intelligence Agency, the latest Wikileaks release has revealed. The release is the latest…