US-Russia Relations a Long Way From World War II ‘Meeting at the Elbe’

US-Russia Relations a Long Way From World War II ‘Meeting at the Elbe’

This week commemorates the day when US and Soviet troops linked up forces in Germany, essentially crippling the Nazis. That historic moment underscores the value of US-Russia unity – something which is conspicuously missing today. Although not celebrated as an official holiday by any country, ‘Elbe Day’ has won a place in the history books…

OPCW Vote & South Asia: Why Pakistan Backed Russia But India Abstained

OPCW Vote & South Asia: Why Pakistan Backed Russia But India Abstained

Russia’s failed effort to get the OPCW to open up a joint investigation of the Skripal case importantly proved that the South Asian dynamics of the New Cold War are the polar opposite of what they were during the Old Cold War, and this correspondingly has striking implications for regional geopolitics. The Polar Reversal At…

Washington’s Century-Long War on Russia

Washington’s Century-Long War on Russia

The United States has launched a three-pronged offensive on Russia. First, it’s attacking Russia’s economy via sanctions and oil-price manipulation. Second, it’s increasing the threats to Russia’s national security by arming and training militant proxies in Syria and Ukraine, and by encircling Russia with NATO forces and missile systems. And, third, it’s conducting a massive…

The True Origins of the US-Chinese Trade War

The True Origins of the US-Chinese Trade War

China responded to Trump’s tariffs with economic restrictions of its own, though its market has always been notoriously difficult to enter due to Beijing’s own ironically “protectionist” policies designed to safeguard its domestic producers, but the government has been easing its prior regulations in recent years in order to facilitate the country’s One Belt One…