The US’ Anti-Venezuelan Sanctions Might Tip the Scales Against Maduro

The US’ Anti-Venezuelan Sanctions Might Tip the Scales Against Maduro

The US decreed earlier this week that it was sanctioning Venezuela’s PDVSA state oil firm and allowing the usurper Juan Guadio to access some of its financial assets, which will make it much easier for him to fund military defections and Color Revolutionary violence as he races to bring the regime change campaign to its…

Zimbabwe’s Anti-Riot Internet Shutdown Tactic Might Become Commonplace

Zimbabwe’s Anti-Riot Internet Shutdown Tactic Might Become Commonplace

Zimbabwe’s high court ruled earlier this week that the government’s anti-riot internet shutdown was illegal because only the President – and not the Minister of State for Security – has the authority to order it, but in any case the authorities’ move highlights a common tactic that’s been employed in recent years in order to…

The “Yellow Vests” Are Hybrid War Blowback

The “Yellow Vests” Are Hybrid War Blowback

The “Yellow Vests” have spontaneously employed the social media networking tactics most commonly associated with Hybrid Warfare, which is direct proof that this cutting-edge regime change technology has finally blown back and is beginning to undermine political stability in Western states. When Jokes Come To Life It’s been a running joke in the Alt-Media Community…

After Soros Flees Turkey, Will He Flee the Rest of the “Global South” Too?

After Soros Flees Turkey, Will He Flee the Rest of the “Global South” Too?

Soros’ “Open Society Foundation” decided to leave Turkey. The organization’s representatives said that it was due to the recent accusations that they’ve meddled in the country’s internal affairs, which is an allusion to President Erdogan’s claims last week about their involvement in the 2013 Gezi Park Color Revolution attempt and is ironically the group’s raison…

Russia Financial Advisory Assistance to Venezuela Is “Regime Reinforcement”

Russia Financial Advisory Assistance to Venezuela Is “Regime Reinforcement”

Russia dispatched financial advisors to Venezuela upon Caracas’ request. The Russian team landed in the country’s capital a day after a Chinese delegation, making some wonder whether the two Great Powers are coordinating their efforts to save their shared Latin American partner’s economy. Both countries have an interest in ensuring the success of President Maduro’s…