Polls Show that Trump’s COVID-19 Infection Has Not Impacted His Re-election Campaign

Polls Show that Trump’s COVID-19 Infection Has Not Impacted His Re-election Campaign

US President Donald Trump will need all the points he can score in the run up to next month’s presidential elections where he will face off against Democrat candidate Joe Biden. Events such as war or threats to a national leader have a psychological effect on a populace and unites people. It is still not…

As Boris Johnson Announces Britain’s Great Reset’, were the Covid ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Right All Along?

As Boris Johnson Announces Britain’s Great Reset’, were the Covid ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Right All Along?

The UK Prime Minister’s remote speech to his party conference saw him dismiss the idea of returning to normality. Is he using Covid-19 to follow the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ agenda, as many have warned? ‘It’s not really about public health or a virus. They have another agenda.’ That’s what the so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’…

Take Pity on Britain Because It Is Approaching Catastrophe

Take Pity on Britain Because It Is Approaching Catastrophe

Countless millions in Britain are suffering economically and/or medically from the effects of the government’s erratic whack-a-mole approach to the Covid-19 crisis. On the other hand, criminal gangs and some very rich citizens have prospered greatly from the effects of the pandemic, and morally it is difficult to draw a line between these elements of…

Covid Crisis Sparked Fear of Communism & China’s Rise as Superpower

Covid Crisis Sparked Fear of Communism & China’s Rise as Superpower

Across the world, the establishment is aware of the radical social consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. That’s why we’re seeing leaders introduce strategies and thinking that could be interpreted as fascist in principle. A story picked up by the UK media at the end of September passed almost unnoticed. As The Guardian reported, “The government…

The ‘Prophet’ Takes Ill

The ‘Prophet’ Takes Ill

‘Hubris’ is an ancient Greek term for pride and ego supplanting common sense. Covid-19 denier Donald J. Trump is a classic example. He and wife Melania are now isolated, suffering from what are described as ‘mild symptoms’ of the Covid-19 virus. At 73 years old and 60 lbs. overweight, Trump’s Covid symptoms may be serious…