Since the Spanish Flu of 1918, Big Pharma Has Deceived the Public About the Safety of Vaccines. The Role of the Rockefellers

Since the Spanish Flu of 1918, Big Pharma Has Deceived the Public About the Safety of Vaccines. The Role of the Rockefellers

Vaccine enthusiast Bill Gates recently spoke at the TED 2022 platform calling the anti-Vax movement a bunch of crazy people, here is what he said, “So it’s somewhat ironic to have somebody turn around and say we’re using vaccines to kill people or to make money or we started the pandemic” he continued “Does this…

Ukraine-Russia: Towards a “Hot War”? Advancing the Agenda of the Great Reset?

Ukraine-Russia: Towards a “Hot War”? Advancing the Agenda of the Great Reset?

After almost four decades of a Cold War from the mid-1950s to 1991, and another 2 decades of Cold War 2.0, since the beginning of the year 2000, when Mr. Putin took over the Presidency of Russia, the US via NATO, and with her European vassals, are now engaged in a hot war with Russia,…

A World At Odds: The Great Principles Wipe

A World At Odds: The Great Principles Wipe

The world of analysts has missed something critical, something fundamental for explaining what’s going on. We’re so focused on the symptoms of the great reset that’s been going on, that we’ve overlooked that which will reveal the end game. The techniques, the strategies being used, their breadth, and the essence of the psychological warfare being…